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THE LAST Salika Takrut for Enchanted Speech in an NMP Oil by Ajarn Apichai

The power of Takruts are greatly underestimated and they can be made for very specific jobs, which are needed by pretty much all of us. This Takrut is special because they are a potent example of the magic for enchanted speech, which is not seen much now. These are on lead, which brings extra potency to this magic for building beneficial relationships. The fact that they are set into an old NMP by Ajarn Verataep helps too! See the last pic.

I love the scripting of the Yant Na that Ajarn has added to the piece, he is so good at that difficult task, and these are rolled towards the centre as it traditional for the Salika. The Salika are birds that sing to each other to enchant and it is a classic Wicha in Thai Occultism.

These measure 2.25" and come with Ajarn Apichai's card and kata.

Stunning work for the ghost altar.

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THE LAST Salika Takrut for Enchanted Speech in a Ghost Oil by Ajarn Apichai

  • Takruts from the great makers have exceptional power. They hold the spell for activating an amulet and are underestimated by people who don't understand them. It is my intention to search out a range of very unusual Takruts for specific magic that we all need.

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